SCHUMER, AMY HARPER COLLINS Ref. 9780008172381 Altres productes del mateix autor
    The highly anticipated first book from award-winning comedian, writer, producer and actress, Amy Schumer.In The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo, Amy shares stories about her family, her relationships, her career, good - and bad - sex, recounting the experiences that have shaped who she is today: fro...
    Pes: 400 gr
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    12,95 €
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    • ISBN : 978-0-00-817238-1
    • Encuadernació : BUTXACA
    • Data d'edició : 01/05/2017
    • Any d'edició : 2017
    • Idioma : ANGLÈS
    • Autors : SCHUMER, AMY
    • Nº de pàgines : 320
    The highly anticipated first book from award-winning comedian, writer, producer and actress, Amy Schumer.

    In The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo, Amy shares stories about her family, her relationships, her career, good - and bad - sex, recounting the experiences that have shaped who she is today: from the riches to rags story of her childhood to her teenage quest for popularity (and boys) to becoming one of the most sought-after comedians on the planet and an outspoken advocate for women's rights.

    Whether she's experiencing lust at first sight in the queue at the airport, discovering her boot camp instructor's secret bad habit, or candidly discussing her father's multiple sclerosis, Amy Schumer proves to be a fearless, original, and always entertaining storyteller. Her book will move you, make you laugh, catch you completely off guard, and answer this burning question: is it okay for a 35 year-old woman to still sleep with her childhood teddy bears?

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